Journal18 publishes articles in themed issues twice a year (Spring and Fall). Notices for upcoming issues are posted in Future Issues along with information regarding submission deadlines. Journal18 also publishes short pieces in Notes & Queries throughout the year. If you would like to contribute to an issue or to Notes & Queries, please follow the Submission Process outlined below.
Journal18 is an open-access journal and does not have any publication charges or subscription fees. However authors are responsible for securing permission to reproduce any material subject to copyright and also for paying any costs related to copyright clearance.
To preserve rigorous academic standards and to ensure the highest quality content, all articles published in Journal18 are subject to a double-blind peer-review process. As such, all manuscripts submitted for consideration must have the author’s name and all other identifying elements removed from the text.
Manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editorial committee to assess their academic quality and suitability for the issue. Manuscripts that successfully meet the criteria of this first stage are then submitted for peer-review to be assessed by two specialist readers. Peer-review reports are considered by the editorial committee who discuss the reviewers’ comments and recommendations before passing reports on to the author. Final decisions regarding the publication of articles are made by the editorial committee and will be communicated to authors in writing.
Journal18 publishes articles in themed issues. Proposals should be submitted in response to calls for submissions on the Future Issues page.
Authors whose proposals are accepted should adhere to the following guidelines for submitted articles:
Articles should not exceed 6,000 words including notes, with a maximum of 12 images. Texts should be submitted in Word and double-spaced with endnotes rather than footnotes. For style and formatting please see the Journal18 Style Guide for Authors below.
Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions for all illustrations that require permissions, but we recognize that many images in our field fall under fair use.
Authors must supply a file of each illustration in an appropriate image format (JPG, PNG or TIF). The digital image size must be a minimum of 1000 pixels wide. Images must be supplied exactly as they are to appear in the published article.
Permission is not required for the inclusion of hyperlinks to images and media available elsewhere on the web. This can be an efficient way of including comparative material within an article.
Submission procedure
Articles should be submitted to Along with your article text, please submit: a caption list for illustrations (see caption format below); and a short author bio-line that follows either of these examples:
- John Doe is an independent art historian based in New York City, NY, specialising in visual cultures of eighteenth-century India
- Anna Kowalska is Associate Professor of Art History at Bechingalw University, Cardiff, Wales
Journal18 publishes items in Notes & Queries on a rolling basis. Authors should contact the N&Qs Editor with proposals for submissions.
Notes & Queries is intended for short entries of roughly 1000 words and max. 5 images, however the format is flexible and responds to the varied nature of contributions to this section. For style and formatting please see the Journal18 Style Guide for Authors below.
Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions for all illustrations that require permissions, but we recognize that many images in our field fall under fair use.
Authors must supply a file of each illustration in an appropriate image format (JPG, PNG or TIF). The digital image size must be a minimum of 1000 pixels wide. Images must be supplied exactly as they are to appear in the published article.
Permission is not required for the inclusion of hyperlinks to images and media available elsewhere on the web. This can be an efficient way of including comparative material within an article.
Submission procedure
Contributions should be submitted to Along with the text, please submit: a caption list for illustrations (see caption format below); and a short author bio-line that follows either of these examples:
- John Doe is an independent art historian based in New York City, NY, specialising in visual cultures of eighteenth-century India
- Anna Kowalska is Associate Professor of Art History at Bechingalw University, Cardiff, Wales
When submitting a manuscript for publication in Journal18, please ensure your text conforms to the following style.
References should conform to the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
Please use endnotes rather than footnotes.
Additional references to a previously cited work should give the author’s surname and an abbreviated title. Do not use ibid or op. cit.
Captions for Illustrations
Along with article texts, authors should supply a list of illustrations with full caption details (including image copyright credits) according to the following style. Titles of art works should normally be given in English with main words capitalized.
All images for publication in articles must be supplied by the author with copyright permissions cleared.
For example:
Fig. 1. Anthony Van Dyck, Cardinal Guido Bentivoglio, 1623. Oil on canvas, 195 x 147 cm. Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Florence. Photograph © Nimatallah / Art Resource, NY.
Fig. 2. Josiah Wedgwood, William Hackwood (modeler), Antislavery Medallion, ca. 1787. Jasperware, 3 x 2.7 cm. Gift of Frederick Rathbone, 1908, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Image courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Fig. 3. Marie-Joseph-Hyacinthe Savart, Four Creole Women, 1770. Pastel on paper, 56 x 45 cm. Musée Schoelcher, Pointe-à-Pitre. Image source: Wikimedia Commons. Image in the public domain.
Fig. 4. Bird palace at the Ayazma mosque complex, Üsküdar, Istanbul, 1758-1761. Photograph by the author.
Fig. 5. Title page from Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, Held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774 (Philadelphia: Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, at the London Coffee-House, 1774). Image courtesy of Donald Heald Rare Books.
Fig. 6. Maker Unknown, Iron Bar Stock, ca. 1700. Collection of the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum. © Dylan Kibler, 2018. Image courtesy of Mel Fisher Maritime Museum.
Spelling & Punctuation
Journal18 uses US spelling and punctuation. For example:
- realize (not realise)
- “inverted commas” (not ‘inverted commas’)
Quotes from non-English language sources should be translated into English in the text. The original should be quoted in the footnotes.
Quotes up to two lines should be made in the text and place in inverted commas: “ ”. Quotes of three lines and longer should be indented and not placed in inverted commas.
From “one” to “ten” should be written as words. From “11” upwards should be given in numerals.