Laboring Likeness: Charlotte Daniel Martner’s Paint Box in Martinique (1803-1821) – by Damiët Schneeweisz

Laboring Likeness: Charlotte Daniel Martner’s Paint Box in Martinique (1803-1821) – by Damiët Schneeweisz

Editor’s note: This essay by Damiët Schneeweisz is a pendant to David Pullins’s Contained Assertions: Marie Victoire Lemoine’s Paint Box. Together, Pullins and Schneeweisz unpack two paint boxes that belonged to Marie Victoire Lemoine (1754-1820) and Charlotte Daniel Martner (1781-1839), bringing out how these boxes tie the material history of…

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Big History – by Stephanie DeGooyer

According to David Graeber and David Wengrow, the first human communities were far more “complex,” “quirky,” and “interesting” than early modern political thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau made them out to be. No community was ever completely brutish or egalitarian, they argue. For example, the introduction of…

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Radical Enlightenment – by Blanca Missé

David Graeber and David Wengrow’s The Dawn of Everything makes a compelling invitation to Enlightenment scholars to revisit the “Indigenous critique” of European society, by “taking seriously contributions to social thought that come from outside the European canon and in particular from those Indigenous peoples whom Western philosophers tend to…

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